The right driveline components to keep all industries moving
With drivelines being a vital link in keeping the wheels of vehicles and machinery turning, you need the confidence of a supply source that keeps up with the demands of having access to a vast range of components to suit current and past models, being of reputable quality and available at a fair price. The Turret range of components covers a diverse yet comprehensive line up of recognised driveline series – from European and Japanese to traditional American types, all variations are catered for. Within these series, all individual components of the driveline assembly are available minimising downtime and replacement costs. So not only are you covered with the fast moving stock lines of universal joints and centre bearings, we have on hand a full complement of tubing, yokes, flanges and even Turret ‘low-noise’ telescopic spline sets.
What our clients are saying about us
"For us – in one word – Beattys is reliability. We can trust the product. As a 24/7 operation, we can’t afford anything less."
Steve Daniels
Oji Fibre Solutions, Pulp Mill

Our mission is you. We aim to deliver the best possible in driveline design, manufacture and componentry for whatever your need or circumstance.